The Future of Learning is NOW! The Power of Social and Emotional Intelligence in Independent Schools with Marc Brackett

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  • Posted 4 years ago


When : July 14th, 2020
Where : Online
Topics : SEL, LD, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, Wellness
Cost : CAIS Member Schools: $35 / Non-Members: $50


9 am – 12:45 pm (Download a printable flyer)
Registration includes a copy (via Amazon gift card) of Marc Brackett’s recent book: “Permission to Feel” as well as entrance to our August 25th (10 am – 12 pm) online program “Author Talk with Marc Brackett: Book Chat and Q&A”

The Power of Social and Emotional Intelligence in Independent Schools
Whether schools are open on campus or online this fall, students need strong coping skills, especially in the wake of the unprecedented disruption of their traditional academic learning by the novel coronavirus.

How can educators help students identify, understand, and manage their emotions so that they adjust and thrive?  How can schools best support social and emotional needs in light of the challenges and new realities of social distancing and online learning as well as the uncertainties around the reopening of schools in the fall?

Join founding director Marc Bracket and the team from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence to explore the role of emotions and emotional intelligence in learning, decision making, creativity, relationship quality, and mental health.

Schedule for the Day:

9 am – 10:15 am  Permission To Feel: Strategies for Healthy Emotion Regulation During Uncertain Times
Marc A. Brackett, Ph.D., Director, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence; Professor, Yale Child Study Center, Yale University

Have you been riding a roller coaster of emotions over the last few months? Are you concerned about the next school year? You aren’t alone. In this presentation I will share strategies that can help make the ride a little smoother. You will learn research-based strategies to support your own and your students’ well-being, healthy decision making, relationship quality, and performance. I’ll also discuss our Center’s systemic approach to social and emotional learning, RULER, that has been adopted by over 200 CT schools and how you can become a part of making Connecticut the first emotionally intelligent state!

 10:30 am – 11:15 am  Concurrent Sessions I (Choose one):

    • A1. Monitoring and evaluating SEL
      Michael J. Strambler, Ph.D., Director of Child Well-being and Education Research; Assistant Professor, The Consultation Center at Yale
      Tracking the implementation of SEL practices and their impact is an important part of ensuring that students receive high quality social-emotional supports. Otherwise, how would we know whether our efforts are helpful, unhelpful, or harmful? In this session, I’ll present approaches to data collection for SEL implementation tracking and student outcomes along with ways of using the data for action.
    • A2. Cultivating Educator Health and Well-Being: Science and Practice
      James L. Floman, PhD, Associate Research Scientist, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence
      In this session, we’ll explore the multi-faceted nature of educator well-being, we’ll review the latest research findings, and we’ll engage in practices to foster well-being. A series of free resilience and well-being resources will be provided to participants, along with insights into how to build sustainable healthy habits that benefit you and your students. Come join us!
    • A3. Promoting Inclusive Classrooms with SEL
      Chris Cipriano, Ph.D., Director of Research/YCEI; Assistant Professor, Child Study Center
      The narrative for students with learning differences and their education and treatment in our society is one of profound intersectionality – race, class, gender, ethnicity and disability interact to create overlapping and interdependent systems of  disadvantage for students. This session will share best practices for how teachers can leverage social and emotional learning (SEL) strategies with all learners in mind to promote inclusive and psychologically sound learning environments.

    • A4. Emotions at Home
      Kathryn Lee, Director of RULER for Families, YCEI
      Relationships with their teachers and family members are at the heart of children’s social and emotional education and development. One of the most powerful ways that educators can have a long-term positive impact on the lives of children and adolescents is by bringing families on board with the mindsets and skills that foster emotional connection and feelings of safety. In this session, we will discuss three key strategies for engaging families in SEL and explore one tool for managing potent emotions that families everywhere benefit from and appreciate – the Meta-Moment.

11:15 am – 11:30 am  BREAK

11:30 am – 12:15 pm  Concurrent Sessions II (repeat of morning sessions) (Choose one):

  • B1. Monitoring and evaluating SEL
  • B2. Cultivating Educator Health and Well-Being: Science and Practice
  • B3. Promoting Inclusive Classrooms with SEL
  • B4. Emotions at Home

12:20 pm – 12:40 pm  Wrap up, Marc Brackett


Marc Brackett, Ph.D., is the Founder and Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and a Professor in the Child Study Center of Yale University. He is the lead developer of RULER, an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning that has been adopted by nearly 2,000 pre-K through high schools across the United States and in other countries. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).

As a researcher for over 20 years, Brackett has focused on the role of emotions and emotional intelligence in learning, decision making, creativity, relationships, health, and performance. He has published 125 scholarly articles and received numerous awards and accolades for his work in this area. He also consults regularly with corporations, such as Facebook, Microsoft, and Google on integrating the principles of emotional intelligence into employee training and product design. Most recently, he co-founded Oji Life Lab, a corporate learning firm that develops innovative digital learning systems on emotional intelligence.

Brackett’s mission is to educate the world about the value of emotions and the skills associated with using them wisely. “I want everyone to become an emotion scientist”, he says. “We need to be curious explorers of our own and others’ emotions so they can help us achieve our goals and improve our lives.”

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