Living Up to the Promise of a Diverse Society

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  • Posted 1 year ago


When : January 24, 2024 @ 7PM
Where : online
Topics : DEIJ, stereotype threat, community
Cost : free


What:    Living Up to the Promise of a Diverse Society

Who:     Dr. Claude Steele

When:   Wednesday, January 24, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Dr. Claude Steele, a professor of social psychology at Stanford University, continues the conversation begun last year at The Children’s School about the threat of stereotyping and how it prevents children from realizing their potential in school and life. Dr. Steele will share his thoughts on strategies to end stereotyping in order to fulfill the American dream of creating successful diverse communities. The ideal of building an integrated society—in which identity is not a barrier to accessing mainstream society—is not out of reach, Dr. Steele argues, and deserves our commitment, hard work and optimism. It requires planting the seeds of trust and mutual respect, which are the basis for Martin Luther King’s vision of “a beloved community.” Dr. Steele is the author of Whistling Vivaldi and Other Clues to How Stereotypes Affect Us. His virtual presentation will be open to the CAIS community, both teachers and parents.

Location online