Leading From Within – NOW FULL

  • Pre-Registration Required
  • Virtual & Various Locations
  • Posted 6 months ago


When : 9/12, 10/17, 11/14, 12/12, 1/23, 2/20, 3/6, 4/28-29, 5/15
Where : Virtual & Various Locations
Topics : Leadership
Cost : $625


Thursday, September 12
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Introduction to Cohort; Resources & Collaboration

The CAIS team will lead an introduction and orientation to the program and built rapport and a network within the LFW cohort. Learn who and how to access the resources provided by CAIS and fellow leaders within and outside the cohort.

Thursday, October 17
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Protecting Your Students, Protecting Your School: How to Run an Investigation
Chris Brigham, Updike, Kelly & Spellacy

Learn when and how a community incident requires additional oversight and legal support, and when it can be managed internally.

Thursday, November 14
11:30AM – 12:30PM

Introduction to Independent School Finance
Zaira Santiago, Beaver Country Day

Zaira Santiago, Associate Head for Special Projects, will lead a session on what school leaders need to know and understand about independent school finance, and the implications for your work.

Thursday, December 12
11:30AM – 12:30PM

Leading From Within: Building Your leadership Identity
Joan Edwards, CAIS Director of Equity & Professional Collaboration, and others

Groups operate effectively when the leader is self-aware and fully understands their leadership “thumb print”. How does your identity influence your leadership style? This session will provide you with an opportunity to reflect and discuss your unique style in order to align it with your desired impact.

Thursday, January 23
11:30AM – 1:00PM

Best Meeting Ever! The Art of Running a Good Meeting
Reshan Richards, Director of Studies, New Canaan Country School
Adjunct Professor, Teachers College Columbia University

The art of running a good meeting is an often overlooked skill, yet meetings — and how they are run — can build culture, boost morale, and encourage productivity. Learn applicable tips for planning and executing meetings that are respectful of and ensure an efficient use of people’s time and talents.

Thursday, February 20
11:30AM – 1:00PM

The Anatomy and Choreography of Breakthrough Conversations
Abigail Wiebenson, Leadership Coach
Conversations are the lifeblood of schools. For leaders, they provide an intentional opportunity to learn, grow and plan. In this session, we’ll first review some elements that underpin productive conversations including  what constitutes an open mindset, listening to learn, and the playing field of curiosity. We’ll then explore a 7-step protocol for navigating breakthrough conversations with grace and purpose. Finally, we’ll debrief what we’ve discovered.

Thursday, March 6
11:30AM – 12:30PM

Behind the Scenes of the Board of Trustees
Nancy Dickson, CAIS Director of Professional Learning

Pull back the curtain and better understand the role & responsibilities of an independent school board to better understand how the Board’s work shapes yours. Questions covered include:

  • What does board service look like?
  • The role of the Head in leading the Board.
  • The role of the Board in leading the Head.
  • The work of the Board and the work that is not for the Board.
  • Brainstorming ideas for your own participation on a board.

Monday, April 28 — 12:00 – 8:00PM
Tuesday, April 29 — 8:30 AM – 2:00PM

CAIS Spring Leadership Conference

Join heads of schools and fellow school leaders at the CAIS Spring Leadership Conference. This is a two-day program at Water’s Edge Resort & Spa in Westbrook, CT, and features opportunities to learn from industry experts about the trends impacting independent schools; network and connect; participate in roundtable conversations with fellow school leaders; and connect in a separate session for the LFW cohort.

Thursday, May 15
11:30AM – 12:30PM

Mentorship, Sponsorship & Building Your Team

As you grow your own leadership work, you’ll have opportunities to uplift others in their own leadership journey. This session will consider the difference between mentorship and sponsorship, and how to build and lead a team that includes diverse perspectives and a curious and collaborative mindset.

Participants will also receive a discounted fee to attend the Spring Leadership Conference at Water’s Edge Resort & Spa on April 28-29. (Full price for the first attendee is $450; LFW participants will receive the discounted “2nd attendee” fee of $340.)

This program is now full. If you are interested in joining a Waitlist for the program, should a space become available, please contact Nancy Dickson at n_dickson@caisct.org.

Sponsored in part by CAIS Association Partner, DovetailED.

Location Virtual & Various Locations