Learning Community Series 2024-25

CAIS Commission on School Growth and Collaboration
  • Pre-Registration Required
  • Online
  • Posted 8 months ago


When : Tuesdays from 7-8 PM throughout the school year
Where : Online
Topics : Centering students, Uplifting educators, Authentic collaboration
Cost : $95 individual all-access pass (CAIS member school); $456 all-school, all-access pass (CAIS member school); $45 per session (CAIS member school)


The CAIS Learning Community Series highlights the innovative work happening in our schools, and focuses on student connection and learning. The goal of the community series is to form trusted relationships outside of your school in twice per month meetings. During each session we will host short presentations introducing new models in education which includes sharing best practices, lesson plans, innovative projects, and pedagogical techniques that have had a significant impact on students and schools. Sessions include time to discuss and collaborate with peers.

WHAT is the Learning Community Series?:  A learning community of educators interested in discussing current learning models, keeping students at the center, and collaborating on the future of education.

WHEN are the sessions?: Sessions are online on Tuesdays from 7-8 PM throughout the school year on the following dates:

  • October 8
  • October 22
  • November 12
  • December 3
  • January 14 (updated date)
  • January 28 (updated date)
  • February 4
  • February 25
  • April 1
  • April 15

SESSION TOPICS will include the following:

  • Restorative practices – One educator’s experience
  • Beyond Coffee Cups and Lunches – How to actually boost morale
  • LCS Book Club – Check out our book recommendations

 — More detailed descriptions for future sessions will be shared with registrants as they become available  —

COST (reflects member pricing): $95 individual all-access pass  ||  $465 all-school, all-access pass ||  $45 per-session

SESSION 4 — Beyond Coffee Cups and Lunches – How to actually boost morale
Tuesday, December 3, 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Another opportunity to prioritize you as an educator at a time of year when it can be difficult to do so.  A more detailed description of the activities for this session to come. Click this link to register for this session.

HOW TO ACCESS ALL LCS SESSIONS: Registration for the full LCS Series ensures that you have access to as many or as few of the sessions of interest to you. There is no obligation to attend all the sessions. *If you are interested in joining the LCS, we encourage you to share your interest with your supervisor (department chair, grade level leader, division head, PD coordinator, Dean of Faculty, etc.) as there is a group discount pass.

Notes for the All-School Pass:

  • Schools that choose the all-school, all-access pass should designate one faculty member or administrator to serve as the contact point at the school to disseminate the information and registration link to your school community for the sessions as they become available. We encourage schools to make note of which employees would like to attend each session so that they have a record at the end of the school year of numbers who have benefitted from the All School Pass.
  • Each member of the school community will then be responsible to register themselves for each session. The registration page for each session will indicate the passcode for registrants whose school has an All-School Pass.
  • Once registered for a session, each registrant will receive Zoom connection details the day of the session directly from Zoom.

Please contact us at CAIS if you or your colleagues have questions about this program ||Joan Edwards – J_edwards@caisct.org or Nancy Dickson – N_dickson@caisct.org

Click HERE to Purchase an All-Access Pass

Click Register below to register for individual sessions.

Location Online