Engaging in (Potentially) Difficult Conversations (Part 2)

CAIS Commission on School Growth and Collaboration
  • Pre-Registration Required
  • Online
  • Posted 7 months ago


When : February 20, 2024 (7-8PM)
Where : Online
Topics : Developing courageous conversation skills
Cost : $90 individual all-access pass; $450 all-school, all-access pass; $40 per session


LCS Session #8 — February 20, 2024 (7-8PM – Virtual)
Engaging in (Potentially) Difficult Conversations (Part 2)

This evening’s session will provide you with an opportunity to explore questions and insights in response to what was learned during the February 6 session with Danny Swersky. Join a panel of CAIS educators as they discuss questions and authentic challenges to navigating difficult conversations in our schools. If you want to hone your interpersonal relationship skills, this is not a session to miss!

SAVE THE DATE for the remaining two sessions of our 2023-24 LCS season!
April 9 & April 30 – Topic: CAIS educators will be sharing their summer read recommendations based on their experience reading/review them.

NOT A MEMBER OF THE ALL-SCHOOL PASS? If you registering for just this session, proceed to registration. You will be directed to select this session for the fee of $40. (There’s still an opportunity for your school to join as an All-School Pass Holder by clicking HERE)

Notes for registration for members with the All-School Pass

  • Schools that choose the all-school, all-access pass should designate one faculty member or administrator to serve as the contact point at the school to disseminate the information and registration link to your school community for the sessions as they become available. We encourage schools to make note of which employees would like to attend each session so that they have a record at the end of the school year of numbers who have benefitted from the All-School Pass.
  • Each member of the school community will then be responsible to register themselves for each session. The registration page for each session will indicate the passcode for registrants whose school has an All-School Pass.
  • Once registered for a session, each registrant will be sent a unique link to receive the Zoom connection details for the session.

Please contact us at CAIS if you or your colleagues have questions about this program.
Joan Edwards – J_edwards@caisct.org or Nancy Dickson – N_dickson@caisct.org

Location Online