
Evan Krutoy

Principal of Healing Harm, LLC
  • New York
  • Updated 3 months ago
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Evan Krutoy is an attorney with extensive experience in navigating misconduct allegations in both college and secondary school settings with a focus on sexual assault allegations. His background is unique in that he has experience with sexual assault investigations from every side of an allegation: he has represented both victims as well as the accused and has also served as an independent investigator for secondary schools, as well as having conducted sexual assault investigations for the National Football League and the National Basketball Association. He has also served as a restorative justice facilitator on multiple gender misconduct campus cases.
Before entering private practice, Evan served as a prosecutor at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, handling many of the D.A. Office’s most high-profile homicide and rape cases. As a prosecutor, Evan served as Acting Deputy Unit Chief of the Sex Crimes Unit, and often worked closely with marginalized victims and witnesses, including prosecuting an NYPD officer for the rape of a schoolteacher and prosecuting a Department of Juvenile Justice Corrections officer for the sexual assault of multiple minors in his custody.
Evan is an adjunct professor at the New York University School of Law where he teaches an externship involving the criminal justice system. He has also earned his professional certificate in restorative justice facilitation and leadership from the Center for Restorative Justice in the School of Leadership and Education Sciences at the University of San Diego.


  • A former prosecutor's shift to restorative justice to address campus gender misconduct

    Handling gender misconduct allegations are emotionally draining for students and staff. Further, fact-finding inquiries by independent investigators are often costly and can inflict additional trauma on those involved. Such adjudicative processes, inevitably, also create the threat of civil litigation. Although it would seem such a methodology would be a path of last resort, it is often the way forward for many school administrators. It increasingly need not be.
    This presentation focuses on a former Manhattan prosecutor's experiences using restorative justice methods to address serious disciplinary matters in school settings. Participants will review the fundamentals of a restorative justice approach to resolving misconduct, and learn the key steps that maximize the likelihood of a positive outcome.
    Examples of gender misconduct cases resolved via a restorative justice methodology are outlined to allay concerns that a restorative justice model cannot effectively address serious misconduct. The presentation also describes how a restorative justice process can be incorporated into a school's current framework and how to work collaboratively---if necessary--with a school's legal counsel in handling such a matter. The presentation also touches on potential issues that can arise with a restorative justice-based process, and how to effectively resolve those issues.

    Cost: Would do webinar for member schools at no cost

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Target Audience: Dean of Students, Upper Class Heads, Health and Wellness staff, Disciplinary Committee staff


  • Restorative Justice as way to address gender-misconduct allegations


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