
Geillan Aly

Assistant Professor
  • Glastonbury, CT
  • Updated 3 months ago
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Dr. Geillan Aly, the Founder of Compassionate Math, is a math educator who centers the socioemotional factors that contribute to success in mathematics. She holds the fundamental assumption that learning math is both an emotional and cognitive endeavor. A former award-winning Assistant Professor who has taught for over fifteen years, Dr. Aly transforms math classrooms through engaging professional development and student-focused workshops that center emotions while establishing a culture of engaging with rigorous mathematics. She is also a highly effective math coach, increasing state-wide test scores for the teachers with whom she works. Dr. Aly received her PhD in Teaching and Teacher Education and Master’s in Mathematics from the University of Arizona. Underlying this work is a dedication to equity and social justice. Geillan enjoys traveling and seeing live music and is an avid chef, wife, and mother to a beautiful boy.


  • A New Day: Working Through Mathematical Traumas

    Too many math students are anxious in mathematics classes, thinking they are “just not good at math”. In this workshop, participants have an opportunity to explore and reflect on their feelings towards mathematics. Participants start by reflecting on and sharing their previous math learning experiences to place these experiences in context, learning that: (1) they are not alone; (2) their experiences are likely not tied to them as an individual, but are a result of sociohistorical forces. This allows students to think deeply and critically about how they approach math. Participants then reorient themselves based on these new realizations and their motivation to succeed. This reorientation includes strategies and tips for learning mathematics. Finally the workshop gives participants an opportunity to work on a mathematical problem, setting the stage for a positive opportunity to engage with mathematics. All participants are encouraged to participate in small-group and whole session discussions throughout the program, reducing the “I’m alone” stigma and forming bonds with others in the group. They are also encouraged to continue working and studying together after the workshop is completed.

    Cost: $3,000

    Duration: 120 minutes

    Target Audience: Students, teachers

  • Puzzles and games to make mathematics exciting

    In this workshop we will play mathematical game(s) accessible to students. Games will be chosen to both challenge and engage students, while supporting the development of appropriate and relevant mathematical content. The game(s) will also be deconstructed to demonstrate the rich mathematical concepts therein. This workshop will provide teachers or facilitators with ready-made activities and pedagogical support for mathematics lessons. It will also provide students with an opportunity to see the beauty of mathematics and see how mathematics can be made accessible. This workshop can be personalized for learners of all ages and facilitators of all levels of knowledge / comfort with mathematics.

    Cost: $1,500

    Duration: 60

    Target Audience: K-3 teachers

  • Be a B.R.A.T. Teacher

    Many teachers are willing and eager to embrace student-centered activities and let their students take ownership of their mathematical learning. However, all too often, the boundaries are blurred when the teacher provides too much support, or the student is unwilling to embrace independence in the classroom. In this workshop the B.R.A.T. framework will be introduced which establishes boundaries between teachers and students to ensure each upholds their roles, without interfering with those of others'. Teachers will leave with specific opportunities for reflection to develop, prepare, and implement an effective studen-centered lesson.

    Cost: $2,000

    Duration: 60

    Target Audience: All math teachers


  • Creating a compassionate math learning space
  • Equity and social justice/Diversity/equity/inclusion (DEI) in mathematics education
  • Fostering a strong mathematical identity in students
  • Helping students with word problems
  • Mathematical content
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics anxiety in teachers (or students)
  • Reducing your implicit bias to affect student success
  • Students’ difficulty with algebra
  • Using Math Affirmations to increase student confidence


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